Paranormed Motzkin sequence spaces




Motzkin numbers, Paranormed sequence spaces, Duals, Matrix mappings


In this article, it is obtained two new paranormed sequence spaces $c_0(\mathcal{M}, \mathfrak{p})$ and $c(\mathcal{M},\mathfrak{p})$ by the aid of the conservative Motzkin matrix operator $\mathcal{M}$ and is examined some topological properties of these spaces. In the continuation of the study, Schauder basis and the $\alpha$-, $\beta$- and $\gamma$-duals are determined. Finally, some new matrix mappings are characterized related new paranormed sequence spaces.


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How to Cite

Erdem, S., Demiriz, S., & Ellidokuzoğlu, H. B. (2024). Paranormed Motzkin sequence spaces. Dera Natung Government College Research Journal, 9(1), 36–51.


