Author Guidelines
Full-length articles, short communications, or book reviews may be submitted for publication. Manuscripts are accepted with the understanding that they are not published and submitted for publication elsewhere. All manuscripts are subjected to peer review by the editors or by other qualified reviewers.
1. All contributions should be submitted electronically, typed on A4 size paper in double space with adequate margin on the left side. The authors are requested to submit the manuscripts in MS Word 2007 or above using Times New Roman 12 font size without any paragraph formatting. The submission is accepted in PDF format also but the authors must provide the MS Word file in case the paper is accepted for publication.
2. The cover page of the manuscript should contain
- (i). Title of the paper which should be concise and informative,
- (ii). Name(s) of author(s),
- (iii). Professional affiliation (include postal address, e-mail, tel./mob. and Orcid ID) of all the authors,
- (iv). An abstract of the paper in less than 150 words, and
- (v). Acknowledgement if any.
3. The research articles should be within 8000 words including tables, appendices, etc.
4. Tables should preferably be of such size that they could be composed in size not exceeding 15×22 cm. Each table should have a heading stating its contents clearly and concisely. The source should be given below each table. Places, where tables are to be inserted, should be indicated.
5. Figures and charts, if any, should be professionally drawn using black ink on transparent papers. Each figure/illustration must be specifically referred to in the text. Letters, numbers, dots, lines, etc., in the drawing, should be large enough to permit reduction. Text figures are to be numbered in Arabic numerals in order to their reference. Captions and legends to figures must be typed on a separate sheet of paper and attached at the end of the paper.
6. There shall be an endnote to explain a point whose explanation is in the text that will make the flow of discussion inconsistent. The endnote shall consist of an explanation or related references to authenticate your point of argument. Indications of notes should be serially numbered in the text of the articles with superscripted numeral and the corresponding notes should be given at the end of the paper.
7. References: Author(s) are to take special care with regard to the accuracy of the references. Editors are not responsible for them. A reference list should appear after the list of notes. Cite unpublished data/references, personal communications, mimeograph respectively as unpub., pers. comm, mimeo., followed by the year if any.
8. List the references in alphabetical order at the end of the paper. Give titles of the books and names of journals in full. In the case of journals provide first and last page numbers for all entries. The volume of the journal must be written in bold. The name of the book or the journal shall be italic.
9. The sources shall be cited on the body of the text as follows; Author, year, page(s). For example (Mibang, 1993:4). Non-English words should be italic.
Referencing Styles
Author(s) name. Year of publication. Title of the paper (in case of book or book chapter write Titles of the article and the book). Publication information (Name and place of publisher in case a book chapter), pp/pages.
Single Author/ Editor:
Behera, M.C. (1994). Planning and socio- economic Development of the Tribals. Commonwealth Publishers, New Delhi.
Elwin, V. (Ed). (1959). India’s North East Frontier in the Nineteenth Century. Oxford University Press, London.
Multiple authors:
Eggins, S., & Slade, D. (1997). Analysing casual conversion. Cassel, London.
Quirk, R., Greenbaum, S., Leech, G., & Svarivk, J. (1985). A comprehensive Grammar of English Language. Longman, London.
Prasad, R.K., Mondal, N.C., Banerjee, P., Nandakumar, M.V., & Singh, V.S. (2008). Deciphering potential groundwater zone in the hard rock through the application of GIS. Environmental Geology, 55, 467-475.