Status of Women in India and in Arunachal Pradesh: A Comparative study


  • Ram Krishna Mandal Department of Economics, Dera Natung Government College, Itanagar, India



Gender inequality, Status of women, Arunachal Pradesh, Women eduaction, Reservation


The right to equality between men and women is a fundamental right in Indian Constitution. Respect for the dignity of women has been made a fundamental duty of Indian citizens and all actions derogatory to such dignity are liable to be stuck down. Conversely, the social institutions and customs are more resistant to change, because they are more rooted in history and more dependent on mindsets. Gender equality is relatively recent concept and most patriarchal societies have ordained rampant injustices and discrimination against women in the family and outside in everyday life. It is indeed bad that women’s status is undermined and subordinated but worst of all is that they have accepted their position as their destiny and in many cases they are found to be an instrument of exploitation. Governance can be efficient and effective only if it articulates women issues and interests and can only be gender-fair if it is gender responsive at political, administrative and economic spheres as women have perspectives, which enhance the quality of governance.


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How to Cite

Mandal, R. K. (2016). Status of Women in India and in Arunachal Pradesh: A Comparative study. Dera Natung Government College Research Journal, 1(1), 90–104.


