Entrepreneurship Development Cell

Entrepreneurship Development Cell was established in Dera Natung Government College, Itanagar (DNGC) in month of January 2016 in the Department of Commerce with a view to foster the entrepreneur skills among the students. In view of the worldwide shortage of jobs both government and private sector, which is leading to the problem of unemployment and lack of proper utilisation of human resources; the cell strives to identify talented youths to entrepreneurial works.

Entrepreneurship is a key element in the industrialization and economic progress of a nation. History is replete with examples of entrepreneurs who have chased their dreams right from their student days and DNGC strictly believes that education is never complete without exposing students to this option. The Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) at DNGC was established with a vision of fostering innovation and promoting entrepreneurial skills among DNGC Commerce students. Hence an Entrepreneurship Development Cell was constituted in the college with a dedicated team of actively working faculty who has an industry exposure along with some student representatives. Aspiring entrepreneurs are groomed with the necessary inputs on how to be a successful entrepreneur through workshops and seminars by eminent people from the industry. At DNGC, we encourage the students to consider self employment as a career option, providing necessary training in Entrepreneurship skills through standardized courses. The cell also organizes different activities and events from time to time to train and motivate the students on entrepreneurship.


To identify the opportunities that will allow the growth and success of every student through Developing interdisciplinary learning environments that teach students to see new opportunities out of present ordinary human life pattern and students to be given the chance to see new business opportunities and to carry them to materialization with sponsoring the monetary funds, technological and logistical assistance to the future job providers rather than job seekers.


To expand the entrepreneurship through education, research and training, thus speed up the economic growth, by increasing the supply of new entrepreneurs and build up performance of the existing ones. Initiate entrepreneurial culture within the institutional mechanism and recognizes their responsibility for providing motivation, guidance, opportunity to women and weaker section entrepreneurs of the society and other services to prospective and budding new entrepreneurs.



1. To develop entrepreneurship awareness among the students.

2. To organize

  • Entrepreneurship Motivation Programs (EMPs)
  • Skill Development Programs (SDP)
  • Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps (EAC)
  • Entrepreneurship Development Programs (EDP)
  • Faculty Development Programs (FDP)
  • Competitions to unleash the entrepreneurial potential among students.

3. To aid them in initiation of industries and Business.

  • Collaborate with entrepreneurship promotion agencies, and organizations
  • Leverage good student projects
  • Product Identification
  • Field Survey, Methods for Marketing Research
  • Provide escort service for obtaining loan and other approvals.

4. To Promote Innovation

  • Foster innovation and create an entrepreneurial culture in the institution.
  • Provide services, information and guidance to budding entrepreneurs.
  • Establishment of entrepreneurship Incubation center.
  • Creation and dissemination of new knowledge.

5. To improve the managerial capabilities

  • Encourage non-corporate and unorganized sectors like education, rural development, small-scale industry etc.
  • Participate in institution entrepreneur building efforts
  • Respond effectively to the emerging challenges and opportunities

6. To Stimulate

  • Factory visits for prospective entrepreneurs in different parts of the country.
  • Regional information center for maintaining technical base
  • Testing, quality assurance, tool room maintenance.
Coordinator: Ms. Pate Jumshi
Co-Coordinators: Dr. Nabaratna Bhagawati