The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Dera Natung Government College was formed in the year 2005.The first cycle of NAAC assessment was done in the year 2006 and was awarded B+ grade. IQAC plays a major role in the quality improvement of the college with special emphasis on teaching and learning. In the second cycle, the college was re accredited (2011) with B grade (2.52). In the third cycle, the college was re accredited (2019) with C grade (1.99). IQAC facilitates learner centric environment for quality education. Feedback responses from students, alumni and parents are taken on quality related matters. IQAC prepares annual quality report (AQAR) and submits to NAAC regularly. The IQAC of the college is reconstituted under the chairmanship of principal with heads of different academic and administrative body, students and alumni of the college.

The composition of the IQAC as follows:

  1. Principal - Chairman
  2. Coordinator, IQAC
  3. Coordinator, AISHE
  4. Academic Incharge
  5. Alumni Representative
  6. Representative from Director
  7. Student's Representative
  1. AQAR 2013-14
  2. AQAR 2014-15
  3. AQAR 2015-16
  4. AQAR-2016-17
  5. AQAR-2017-18
  6. AQAR-2018-19
  7. AQAR-2019-20
  8. AQAR-2020-21
  9. NAAC Accreditation Certificate 2006
  10. NAAC Accreditation Certificate 2012
  11. Minutes of meeting and action taken
  12. Minutes of meeting and action taken
  13. Minutes and action taken 2020-21
  14. NAAC Accreditation Certificate 2019
  15. SSS Certificate 2019-20
  16. SSS Certificate 2020-21
  17. SSS 2021-2022